Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I did mention bar flair, didn't I?

And no, I'm not talking about 37 pieces of flair on a Chotchkie's uniform. (Office Space. I had to.) I'm talking about those high flying bottle tosses that make bartenders look SO BADASS. Don't even try to tell me it doesn't. I won't listen.

Instead, watch this guy's tutorial videos and start practicing some sweet moves yourself. You have to start with basics, so it might not seem that sweet. But don't worry, you'll get there.

If you are entirely dedicated to developing this skill, think about picking up some practice flair bottles. You can't break them, which is a good thing.


Dr. Harrison said...

I've really always wanted to be a bartender just for those bottle top thingees and the soda/water gun pistol looking contraption. Seems like it would be hell to clean, but hey ... that's what barbacks are for, right?

Christine M said...

I'm going to have to try that. With something cheap, of course.