Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Virgins do it better.

I read that on a T-shirt once.

You may have heard of something called a virgin drink. These are simply drinks that haven't been tainted by alcohol. They might even be tastier than most alcoholic beverages, because alcohol in and of itself doesn't really taste that good. (If you think it does, you may be drinking too much of it.) And they will never leave you with the potential headache that a couple of sweet, liquor-based drinks can provide a few hours later.

Virgin margaritas are one of the worst ideas ever. Most people use margarita mix out of a bottle, and unless you really like the idea of drinking that mixed with a little water, just say no. Margarita mix on its own is sweet, sour, and syrupy. The mix really needs tequila to offset this. Virgin pina coladas, however, are delicious, especially if you make your own pina colada mix. Mix together some Coco Lopez cream of coconut and pineapple juice, maybe a little papaya juice, and blend with ice. Tropical bliss is yours. Even better is a virgin strawberry daiquiri. A little sugar, lime juice, and some strawberry puree blended with ice can be a wonderful thing.

Of course, if virgins aren't your thing, you can always add some experience with a little rum. ;)

Start blending and get poolside! Now!

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