Monday, April 7, 2008

Bottle flair: Part three

Part three of the bottle flair series! This is an easy trick to master, just like the first few hand rolls. After learning this, string together a few moves to start actually looking cool.

Speaking of that luau...

...just how cheap can luau decorations get?

Yes, that is right. All the cheesy faux-grass skirts and leis you could ever desire for your own tropical paradise, at only a dollar a piece. Found at a Dollar Tree located in the Gulf Coast Town Center.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

"Are YOU a Larry?"

If you are a college student looking for a dirty bar with live entertainment and cheap beer, and you don't live in Naples, there is a place you should know about. Most Naples locals are familiar with Pelican Larry's. What began as one raw bar and grill has now grown into three popular locations, but the original still holds its own among the newer establishments.

"Dirty Larry's," as the original Pine Ridge Road location is so honestly referred to, is packed every Wednesday night with young drunks and dancing fools. If two-for-one drinks and a DJ spinning a mix of old school jams and the latest hits strikes your fancy, then I would suggest checking this place out. Other nights of the week get just as crazy, with a variety of entertainers every week and tons of televisions for those life-changing sporting events that must be watched. This is not your scene if you prefer a nice glass of wine in a trendy environment with plenty of elbow room. Check out a bar like the one at Cafe Lurcat on 5th Avenue in Downtown Naples, instead.

As their employees say, "EAT, DRINK, AND BE LARRY!"

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Blu Sushi Naples: Live Blog

Blogging is a new adventure for me but people-watching is not, and I figure that live-blogging at a bar will be a comfortable combination of the two. And so here I am, sitting at a bar on a slow Monday night in Naples. Blu Sushi Naples, off Third Avenue, is my location of choice. My sister Jess is bartending and a sushi roll and a cocktail sound really good right about now. I have a book and a computer, but no internet connection so the actual posting of the night will be delayed. I hope I have something interesting to observe!

11:00: Sitting around waiting for my sister to finish cleaning her side of the bar, I sit with some of the servers who are counting their money and talking about the night. Several people apologize for not saving me from the obnoxious country boy. I thank them, even though I should probably be thanking Country, because he kept me slightly entertained if revolted.

10:43: They finally leave. Then I notice that Donald left his glasses on the bar. I call him back to give them to him. He tells me that he is rich but his glasses only cost 1$ and he meant to leave them behind.

10:30: The barback asks "why are you guys still here?" Country and Donald are sipping on long island iced teas and insisting that my sister and I WILL be going skydiving with them tomorrow afternoon. They try to buy me a drink but the bar has been closed for a half hour. Everyone who works here is getting annoyed, but not annoyed enough to throw them out. These guys have a decent tab running and the bar doesn't want to lose out on the tip.

10:25: Country has apparently forgotten that he doesn't like me and comes back over. He asks me what I am drinking. "Apple Crisp," I tell them. Country tells me that it isn't a real drink. It is a fake drink. Whatever that means. Donald finishes talking to the couple next to him at the bar. They believe every word he says. Suckers.

10:15: The manager introduces himself to me. Albert is his name. He finds a missing bottle of Gran Marnier that was apparently needed earlier. Everyone celebrates. Donald starts talking to a couple who move from the dining room to the bar. He tells them that he owns the place and they immediately start complaining about the limited wine bottle selection. He says that he is working on it. He is a liar. Why does every drunk old man pretend to own the bar that he drinks at? And why would anyone believe him?

10:11: Jess makes me an Apple Crisp, which is my favorite Blu Sushi drink. They don't have it on the menu anymore but can still make it if you ask. It is made with Diamond sake, pear juice, and Sour Apple Pucker. It is a refreshing drink, and is even better with a graham cracker rim.

10:00: My sushi roll has arrived! Eel, crab, cucumber, and avocado brushed with eel sauce and topped with tempura flakes. Holy heaven in my mouth. I love sushi. If you think you don't, then give Blu Sushi a try. They have a lot of traditional stuff, but they also serve some interestingly Americanized rolls that might help you ease into it.

9:54: "I like two things: Learning and drinking. That's it! You are a learning." Slightly incoherent speech from Donald, who next tells me that I am smart because I am reading Frankenstein at a bar. Country is sulking a few seats away, giving me dirty looks and telling my sister that I am a bitch for reading and not talking to him. She tells me to talk to him and not ruin her tip. I laugh.

9:52: The barback mouths 'sorry,' rolling his eyes at the drunks.

9:47: Country says, "I am from the country, but I don't have the incest." He says it like it is some kind of disease you can catch. Then he adds, "but the rest of my family, they do have it." Ever heard of too much information? Thanks for sharing, though. It's like he is trying to live up to some drunk country stereotype. I finally tell him to stop speaking to me, and he finally leaves, after calling me a stuck-up bitch. I say I just want to read.

9:40: I order a water. Jess serves it to me, and Country picks it up. A liar and a water thief? This guy is classy. I order a new water. This one I keep.

9:36: Country and Donald tell me that they are hammered and have been taking tequila shots all night long. I ask my sister what she has served them. She tells me two tequila shots and one long island each since five. It seems like a very stupid thing to lie about.

9:25: I realize that my sister forgot to get my drink. She is weeded so I don't really mind. I finally get her attention and she makes a Mango X-Rated for me. Skyy Vodka, X-Rated Fusion Vodka and mango juice work well together. The drink is almost too sweet for me, but would be great for someone who likes tropical fruity drinks.

9:14: A Patron shot is placed in front of me. I give it away and Donald gets angry. Country tries to put his hand on my lower back as I read. He asks what the book is about. I tell him not to touch me and he gets angry. Then he forgets and does it again. Wonderful.

9:00: These two guys seem drunk. The older one is named Donald. He tells me that he is fifty-two. The other one tells me his name but I don't remember it and call him Country instead because he is from South Carolina and has a serious southern drawl. They ask me what I am reading three times before I start giving them different answers. They act like this is normal. They must be drunk.

8:57: So much for simply observing. Two guys at the bar seem intent on keeping my from my purpose, offering to buy me a shot of Patron. I refuse, telling them that I don't drink tequila. They make fun of my book. I ignore them. They won't go away. They invite me to go skydiving tomorrow. I say no.

8:50: I show up at Blu Sushi in downtown Naples. I expected the place to be dead on a Monday night, but it appears to be a busy night that is just starting to wind down. There are fifteen seats at the bar, four high top tables, and two large couches in the lounge area. Most of the seats are full, but people are cashing out and leaving, and soon the place is half empty. There is water running down a mirror on the wall and the bar is made of frosted glass. The environment is sleek and trendy, with atmospheric house music flooding the room. I find a seat at the bar, open my book, and order a drink, fully intending to mind my own business and observe.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bottle flair: Part two

Lesson number two from our bottle-tossing YouTube friend!

He makes a really good point about Malibu bottles not shattering easily if you drop them, which is really unavoidable when you first start learning. You are practicing, aren't you?

It's about time for a luau!

Summer equals luau season and I can almost taste the pina coladas. Even when you live in a tropical paradise like Naples, Florida, this kind of party never gets old. The palm trees are here. The beach is here. All you need are some decorations and drinks! I've been to a party where a beach was built in the backyard. It was amazing, but no one really needs to go that far. A few leis and grass skirts, a tiki torch or two, and a couple of drink options are really all you need.

Try a mai tai. The name means "good" in Tahitian, and believe me, they are. This would also be a great opportunity to serve some virgin pina coladas or strawberry daiquiris to any under 21 guests you may have at your party. And don't forget to serve them in some sweet coconut cups!


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Virgins do it better.

I read that on a T-shirt once.

You may have heard of something called a virgin drink. These are simply drinks that haven't been tainted by alcohol. They might even be tastier than most alcoholic beverages, because alcohol in and of itself doesn't really taste that good. (If you think it does, you may be drinking too much of it.) And they will never leave you with the potential headache that a couple of sweet, liquor-based drinks can provide a few hours later.

Virgin margaritas are one of the worst ideas ever. Most people use margarita mix out of a bottle, and unless you really like the idea of drinking that mixed with a little water, just say no. Margarita mix on its own is sweet, sour, and syrupy. The mix really needs tequila to offset this. Virgin pina coladas, however, are delicious, especially if you make your own pina colada mix. Mix together some Coco Lopez cream of coconut and pineapple juice, maybe a little papaya juice, and blend with ice. Tropical bliss is yours. Even better is a virgin strawberry daiquiri. A little sugar, lime juice, and some strawberry puree blended with ice can be a wonderful thing.

Of course, if virgins aren't your thing, you can always add some experience with a little rum. ;)

Start blending and get poolside! Now!